Call 800-430-1407 to speak with a drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
NRI Group LLC Outpatient Drug Abuse Clinic
1385 Fulton Avenue
Amber Hall
Bronx, NY 10456
(718) 579-0805
Intake: (212) 957-9776
Also try these nearby Free Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers in New York
- McPike Addiction Treatment Center
- Rosewood Heights Health Center
- Albany County Substance Abuse Clinic CD Outpatient
- Saint Peters Addiction Recovery Center (SPARC)/Day Rehabilitation and Outpt
- Insight House Chemical Dpndncy
- Argus Community Inc Harbor House II MICA
- Saint Marys Hospital Chemical Dependency Outpatient Clinic
- Drinking Driver Program
- Long Island Home DBA South Oaks Hosp SWI/SWIIA CH Rehab
- Institute for Rational Counseling Inc