So You’re in Rehab: How to Help a Friend Through Rehab
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the number of people seeking help for drug and alcohol addictions is on the rise. However, this is still only a small minority of the people that really need help. It is commendable whenever someone seeks to overcome addiction, and you, as their friend, should do everything you can to help them.
Offer your Support
People in rehab find themselves in a precarious and vulnerable position, in need of more than just treatment for their addiction. They often need all manner of small items that may have been overlooked, or even some moral backing for their endeavor.
Let them Know that you are There for Them
Calling and visiting your friend in rehab will go a long way toward making sure that they keep up their spirits, and do not lose hope. Just knowing that there is someone that is with them through this difficult time improves their odds of getting their life back. Make suggestions if their treatment is not working. One thing you can do is call 800-430-1407Who Answers?, we can help you look into other treatment options that might help.
Let them Know that you Still Care
It is important that you tell your friend how much they mean to you, and how much you are looking forward to having them back. Actions speak louder than words. It is far more important that you are a regular physical presence to them, as well.
Do Not Judge their Actions
You should understand that while under the influence of addictive substances, people often do things that would never consider otherwise. Reminding them of these things or thinking poorly of them because of those actions is unfair and not conducive to their healing.
Try to Build their Confidence
Addiction not only destroys a person’s health and relationships, but also their faith in themselves. As their friend, it is important that you do what you can to downplay their setbacks, and celebrate their achievements.
Be Patient
Recovery from substance abuse it is not an easy or short process. It can take months or years to fully recover, if ever. Addiction is a chronic disease, with no cure, only the hope to manage it with help.
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Listen to the Counselors and Doctors
The doctors, counselors, and therapists that deal with addiction recovery have extensive training and years of experience. They are the literal experts on recovery. Therefore’ it is essential that everyone involved in the addict’s life understands what these experts are saying, and do everything possible to encourage it.
Let them Talk
Many people in rehab benefit from having someone to talk to that is not directly related to their recovery. Just by listening to them, without interrupting or denigrating them, can do miraculous things for their mental state.
If They are in Trouble Help
When you realize someone is in trouble, either while they are in rehab or if they are considering it, call 800-430-1407Who Answers?. We can help you find the treatment options that are right for them before it is too late.