5 Ways Inpatient Rehab Helps You Overcome Crack Cocaine Addiction
As one of the most powerful stimulant-based drugs around, cocaine’s abuse and addiction potential increases exponentially when ingested as crack. When used on a frequent basis, it’s only a matter of time before the effects of crack cocaine overwhelm a person’s behaviors and power of choice.
While not everyone struggling with crack cocaine addiction will require the intensive level of care provided by inpatient rehab, those who do stand to see considerable benefits from an inpatient rehab treatment approach.
Inpatient Rehab Can Help
1. Closed and Structured Environment
According to the University of Maryland, crack cocaine is so powerful that a person can become addicted as of the first time trying it. Even in cases where addiction develops over time, crack’s effects make it all but impossible for a person to abstain from drug on his or her own.
Inpatient rehab takes place within a closed and structured treatment environment that’s monitored 24 hours a day.
2. Medical Care
Crack cocaine acts as a stimulant, speeding up brain and body functions. These effects place a tremendous strain on the body as a whole and can easily give way to serious chronic medical conditions, such as heart problems and hypertension.
As treating underlying medical problems is essential to a successful recovery process, inpatient rehab programs provide needed medical care for any condition that results from prolonged drug abuse.
Call our helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to see if your insurance will help pay your rehab costs.
3. Treatment for Mental Health Disorders
Crack cocaine’s effects not only cause widespread damage throughout the body, but also warp a person’s psychological health. It’s not uncommon for long-term users to develop full-blown psychological problems, such as panic disorder, depression or schizoaffective disorder.
Since mental health problems tend to go hand-in-hand with chronic drug abuse, inpatient drug rehab programs have ample experience in treating psychological disorders during the course of addiction treatment.
4. Behavioral Treatment
After so many months or years of compulsive drug use, someone addicted to crack falls into a routine or lifestyle that functions solely to support drug-using behavior. According to the U. S. Department of Health & Human Services, this lifestyle breeds its own thinking patterns, belief systems and behaviors, all of which stay with a person long after he or she stops using drugs.
For these reasons, inpatient drug rehab programs employ a range of behavioral treatment interventions designed to help a person identify and replace addiction-based patterns with a lifestyle that promotes day-to-day abstinence from drug use.
5. Support System
Much like the addiction lifestyle encompasses its own sets of friends and associates, a healthy support system plays a vital role in promoting continued abstinence in recovery. Inpatient drug rehab programs provide a built-in support system in the form of 12-Step support groups, group therapies as well as the treatment environment itself.
By the time a person completes inpatient rehab, he or she has come to value the importance of maintaining a healthy system.
More than anything else, finding a program that offers the level or intensity of care most needed to address your treatment needs is essential to a successful recovery process. If you’ve tried other more traditional treatment programs and had little to no success, inpatient drug rehab may well be what’s needed to help you overcome crack cocaine addiction once and for all.
If you or someone you know are considering inpatient drug rehab, and need help finding a program that meets your needs, please feel free to call our toll-free helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to speak with one of our addiction specialists.