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7 Common Reasons for Refusing Inpatient Rehab and How to Negate Them

When you talk to an addict about treatment they will almost always refuse. It can be difficult to push your way through the excuses. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are many reasons why people start taking drugs. Most of these reasons come out as reasons to not seek treatment. Fortunately, when confronted with these reasons there are ways you can counter them.

1. I am not Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol, I Don’t Need Rehab

What to say to this: Wait until they are not on drugs and show them solid proof of their addiction. Every addiction has different signs but many of them overlap. Give them literature on their addiction or ask them to talk to an addiction and rehab specialist. If you are having this conversation and need immediate help, call 800-430-1407Who Answers?. We can help.

2. I can Handle the Drugs or Alcohol, I Don’t Need Help

What to say to this: Explain to them that if they could handle it, you wouldn’t be talking to them. Tell them how the addiction is hurting you and those around you. Do this in a quiet calm manner and do not judge, if you start an argument they will be that much harder to convince.

3. I can Quit on My Own

Refusing Inpatient Rehab

Many addicts believe they are in control over their using behaviors.

What to say to this: Ask them if they have tried. If the answer is no, ask them to try and wait. A few people out of all the drug users can quit on their own, but most cannot. If they do not succeed do not berate them for their failure, simply suggest treatment again.

4. I am in Pain Without It

What to say to this: Tell them that there are other options to treat pain. Ask them to see their doctor about pain management without the addictive drugs. Explain that their addiction is probably due to the drugs that they are using for the pain and an alternative drug can help them with both the addiction and with the pain.

5. I am in Control of My Addiction

What to say to this: No one is in control of an addiction, the addiction controls you, not the other way around. When an addiction starts to cause serious issues in a person’s life they are not in control. Talk to the person, make sure they know that they are out of control and need help to take control back.

6. I am Under a Lot of Stress

What to say to this: Stress is manageable without the drugs. There are a variety of stress reduction techniques to that have nothing to do with drugs or alcohol. A few suggestions that you make are:

  • yoga
  • meditation
  • counseling
  • a hobby that keeps your mind busy
  • deep breathing
  • using a support network

There are many more types of stress reduction techniques that you can suggest. Most counselors will suggest a variety of techniques when if stress is truly the problem. If stress is the excuse then the idea of stress reduction without drugs might be appealing to the addict.

7. Why do I Need Treatment?

What to say to this: One of the most common excuses is to ask why. You can explain the reasons why they need treatment or you can ask them to call 800-430-1407Who Answers?. We can help them find the treatment that they need to get off the drugs once and for all.

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