5 Signs You Need Inpatient Drug Rehab
Drug addiction is not an easy disease to get rid of. It is not like an infection that you take antibiotics for and then it goes away. Instead, drug addiction takes time and dedication to heal.
Drug addiction affects the lives of millions of Americans each year. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention , in 2010 alone, two million people illegally abused prescription painkillers for the first time.
Drug addiction can negatively impact your life in several different ways. For starters, if you are abusing drugs or if you become addicted to a particular drug, you will likely develop a dependency to the drug causing your body to only feel normal when you have the drug in your system.
Drugs can impact your behavior by influencing your thinking process and can cause you to act in ways that you would otherwise not act in if you were not under the influence of a drug. In addition, drug addiction can lead to you having an overdose, which can result in you ending up in a coma or possible death if medical attention is not received. Moreover, prolonged use of drugs can lead to permanent organ damage and can ultimately lead to organ failure.
Drug addiction can also cause you to destroy important aspects of your life such as the loss of relationships, loss of money, loss of jobs, loss of driving privileges, and loss of family and friends. Furthermore, some people tend to resort to committing criminal acts of violence or stealing when they are under the influence of a drug.
Five Signs You Need Help from an Inpatient Drug Rehab
If you are suffering from a drug addiction you may need the assistance of an inpatient drug rehab to help you overcome your addiction.
Five signs you need help for your drug addiction are:
You feel unwell or sickly when you do have the drug in your system: If this is the case then you have developed a dependency to the drug that will only get worse with time and you should seek out help.
You feel a compulsion to constantly take the drug: If you constantly think about the drug or if you constantly feel as though you need to take the drug then you have an addiction.
You have lost things because of your drug usage: If you have lost friends, significant others, or finances due to your drug addiction and you still continue to use then you may need help.
You take the drug frequently: If you take the drug frequently or if you are doing other activities and all you can think about is taking the drug then you most likely have an addiction to the drug.
Irritation: If you feel irritated when you do not have any of the drug or if you experience mood swings when they drug is not in your system, then you may want to consider getting help from an inpatient drug rehab.