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The Connection Between Mental Health and Addiction

People who suffer from a substance use disorder often have what is referred to as a comorbid disorder, mental health conditions that occur subsequently or simultaneously. These can complicate diagnosis and treatment of a substance use disorder, but a qualified, professional inpatient rehab can effectively treat both, thus increasing the chance that sufferers will achieve success in recovery.

If you have been diagnosed with a mental disorder or believe that you may have one in addition to your drug or alcohol addiction, you are dealing with a lot and you deserve help. InpatientDrugRehabCenters.com is the answer you have been searching for. Calling 800-430-1407Who Answers? will connect you with advisors that can answer your questions and link you to appropriate treatment. Don’t wait; call now.

Mental Health Disorders Among People with Drug Use Disorders

Mental Health and Addiction

Many people with mental illness use substances to cope with their symptoms.

It’s incredibly common for people to suffer from both a mental health disorder and an addiction; in fact, incidences of mental health disorders are actually higher among people with drug use disorders than they are among the general population.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse reprinted data from the 2006 National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and related conditions. It shows:

  • 20 percent of all responding individuals were diagnosed with mood disorders, while the amount among those with a drug use disorder was 40 percent
  • 15 percent of all responding individuals were diagnosed with anxiety disorders, while the amount among those with a drug use disorder was 30 percent

The reverse is also true. Research shows people with anxiety and mood disorders are twice as likely to be diagnosed with a drug use disorder. This is also the case for people with antisocial personality and conduct disorders. Data has also shown as many as 50 percent of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder also demonstrate a lifetime history of substance dependence or abuse.

Can You Establish Causality?

Not really. Just because there is a high rate of comorbidity does not mean that one disorder can be easily attributed to the other. For example, a mental disorder can only be diagnosed when it reaches a level identified by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which American mental health professionals use to classify mental health issues. However, it is possible that early symptoms of the disease can trigger drug use. It’s also very hard for patients to accurately create a timeline of symptoms.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse points to 3 possible causal scenarios:

  1. Drug use can cause users to undergo the symptoms of another condition. For example, stimulant users may develop stimulant psychosis, a mental condition that mirrors schizophrenia.
  2. People with mental illness may use drugs to cope with the symptoms of their illness. People with an anxiety disorder may turn to marijuana use to calm themselves.
  3. Both conditions may be the result of shared factors, like genetics, underlying brain deficits, and early experiences of trauma or stress.

To some extent, these 3 scenarios probably influence the manifestation of varying comorbidities.

How Will Inpatient Treatment Diagnose Comorbid Disorders?

Because of the high rate of comorbidity between substance use disorders and mental illness, treatment facilities use a comprehensive approach. One disease may trigger the other or each may occur separately, therefore figuring out which condition is primary isn’t a clear cut process. A broad assessment is preferred.

A period of detoxification, when drugs and alcohol are removed from your system can help. The symptoms of a substance use disorders may rapidly disappear after a period of withdrawal, leaving the symptoms of the comorbid disorder exposed.

Following this period, the facility will use a series of targeted assessments designed to evaluate mental illness and its connection to substance abuse.

How Will Inpatient Treatment Treat Comorbid Disorders?

Experts agree that all comorbid conditions must be treated simultaneously, which can be difficult. Patients with comorbid disorders often take longer to respond to treatment. For example, an article published in the Current Psychiatry Reports states the presence of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder has been linked to poorer treatment outcomes; individuals have greater cravings for drugs and relapse more quickly than the general population.

Regardless, progress is being made and new research and treatment approaches are providing positive results. Primary treatments take the form of medication and behavioral therapy. An inpatient treatment center will be able to design a treatment plan that allows all comorbid conditions to be addressed while minimizing negative impact one may have on the other.

If you suffer from a comorbid disorder or believe that you do in addiction to your substance use disorder, an inpatient program can help you. Call 800-430-1407Who Answers? to connect to an expert and take the next step.

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