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Is Rehab the Right Choice?

If you are considering rehab, then—honestly—rehab is probably the right choice. Ultimately, what you are deciding is whether you should continue as you are of get help in changing your substance use. Obviously, the way things have been going is no longer working; what else is left?

You can, of course, try a 12 step program or attempt to limit your drug and/or alcohol use independently. Studies show that people who attend 12 step groups do better with their addictions than those who don’t. But, that means that you have to be actively involved and attending regularly and often. Can you do that without help?

Rehab offers the most benefit for people who suffer from addiction. It is evidence-based care that has a proven record. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that most people who enter and complete drug and alcohol addiction treatment:

  • Cease to use drugs
  • Lessen any criminal activity
  • Increase their psychological, occupational, and social functioning

The following discussion should help you determine your course of action. When you are ready to connect with rehab centers or if you find yourself with questions that you need answered right now, call 800-430-1407Who Answers?.

Choose Rehab When You Can’t Stay in Your Present Living Situation

Rehab the Right Choice

Don’t wait to hit rock bottom before entering rehab. Get help today!

Yes, you can try to impose limits on your substance use and to control what has become a growing problem. But, how do you do that in an environment filled with drug and alcohol use?

If you choose to enter inpatient rehab, you will live at the facility where you are getting treated. That means that you won’t have to deal with the daily influences that feed into your substance abuse and that can be an invaluable benefit. You can fully concentrate on getting better without the temptation of available drugs and/or alcohol or the triggers and stressors that contribute to your addiction.

Even an outpatient program gives you some safe space outside of your daily routine to be with other sober people and to learn the behavior that will carry you through recovery. Although, obviously, you won’t be given the same level of distance that an inpatient program would provide.

Choose Rehab When Your Health Has Been Impacted

Drug and alcohol addiction take a toll on the body. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction is frequently linked with:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Mental disorders
  • Lung disease

If you are experiencing addiction and another accompanying condition, these are called co-occurring disorders and the treatment of one will affect the treatment of the other. This can make independent attempts to stop using or support groups in place of rehab unsuccessful.

For example, stimulant use is common among people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Some people use the stimulants to cope with the disease, while others develop it after a period of stimulant use. Should a person with an addiction to stimulants and ADHD attempt to rely solely on 12 step participation, they won’t get very far. The ADHD won’t allow them to participate in the meetings. They won’t be able to sit still and focus.

If you enter a professional, structured rehab program with a series of health concerns, you can rest easy because they will all be addressed as part of your treatment plan.

Choose Rehab When You Can’t Recover on Your Own

You know that you need to make changes, but you may simply not be able to get the process started. Maybe you don’t like the idea of walking into a meeting. What if you see someone you know? Maybe the meeting times don’t work with your schedule. Then what?

You could try cutting back on your own. Has that worked before? If you have had some success, maybe rehab could be the support you need to continue cutting back. If previous attempts have failed, rehab might be the only way to make it happen.

Choose Rehab When You Are About to Lose Something Important

Is your addiction about to cost you? People with substance abuse problems frequently face:

  • Eviction
  • Debt
  • Separation or divorce
  • Loss of child custody
  • Loss of employment

If you are facing a substantial loss, you need help. You aren’t able to cope with this on your won any longer. Rehab is the right choice.

For help finding a rehab center that meets the needs of your specific situation, call 800-430-1407Who Answers?. You don’t have to grapple with this difficult decision on your own. We are not only qualified to help, we want to.

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