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How Do I Check a Loved One Into Rehab?

Drug or alcohol abuse affects not just substance abusers themselves, but also everyone else in their lives. Helping a substance abuser get needed help can be difficult – but family and friends have an important role to play helping that person return to a life free of addiction. That can include not only getting a loved one into rehab, but also supporting them through the journey to recovery.

Making the Decision to Get Help

The decision to get help is one that only an addicted person can make, but that decision isn’t always entirely voluntary. Some people struggling with addiction recognize the effect that substance abuse is having on their lives and realize they need to stop. In those situations they may turn to a family member or trusted friend for help finding a rehab program, or for transportation and support with the logistics of an extended stay.

But people with addictions can be in strong denial about their addiction and the impact it has on various areas of their lives. When that happens, pressure from outside sources can be an important factor in steering them toward recovery. That pressure can range from a court order to a concerned spouse or child. Whether a loved one decides independently to get help with an addiction, or does so because of an intervention by family or a legal issue, family and friends can provide both practical and emotional support.

Learn About Substance Abuse

Loved One Into Rehab

Be prepared for resistance when you approach a loved one about attending rehab.

Education plays a key role in helping a loved one with an addiction. Learning about addiction and the particular drug that person is using can help family and friends understand the mechanism of addiction and the specific issues related to a particular drug. Knowing about addiction and how it works can make it easier to provide support without judgment and help the addicted person find the right resources.

Groups like Al-Anon and Nar-Anon were created to help family members of substance abusers understand the addictions of their loved ones and support each other. These and other resources on specific kinds of addictive substances such as prescription medications or heroin can provide important information about addictions and the problems related to individual substances.

Provide Practical Support

Checking into rehab is a big decision, even when a person wants help very badly – and it disrupts many other areas of life. Stays in inpatient rehab facilities typically last a month or longer, so entering this kind of program requires a number of practical considerations that can include:

  • Transportation to and from rehab
  • Taking a break from work
  • Caring for children and pets
  • Taking care of a house or apartment
  • Managing bills and other financial issues

When family and friends can help with these logistical concerns, going into rehab becomes less stressful. Make specific arrangements to help your loved one manage daily life while in rehab, and make sure they have reliable transportation home after their stay.

Inpatient drug and alcohol rehabs are considered the “gold standard” for treatment of addictions of all kinds. But in some cases, an outpatient program may be a better choice. In the same way, though, family and friends can help by taking a loved one to appointments and group sessions, or providing childcare during rehab activities.

Finding Free Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers for A Loved One

Work With The Rehab Program

To help a loved one get the most out of rehab, it’s important for family and friends to work with the program. Learn about the rehab’s rules and procedures, and arrange to meet with your loved one’s therapist or counselor to get their recommendations on the best way to support them while they’re in the program. You might be asked to attend family counseling, or to observe restrictions on visiting or having contact during their stay.

Getting a loved one into rehab isn’t always easy – but it can be the most important step toward reclaiming a life ruled by addictions. When family and friends can offer understanding and practical support, taking that step toward a drug free life becomes much easier.

Are you looking for ways to help a loved one struggling with addictions? We have the solutions you need. Contact us at 800-430-1407Who Answers? for the information you need right now.

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