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Is Long Term Inpatient Drug Rehab Really Necessary?

The necessity of attending long term inpatient drug rehab is based on the individual, their condition, and their needs. While many people attend this type of rehab and do not have to, others truly benefit from the treatment and accommodations provided at one of these facilities and would not be able to recover otherwise. When considering whether or not long term inpatient treatment is right for you, think about your needs and whether or not this program type will meet them.

A Controlled Environment

If you are in need of a controlled environment that allows you to be cared for 24-7, then long term inpatient treatment may be right for you. According to the NIDA, “Long term residential treatment provides care 24 hours a day, generally in nonhospital settings.” This means that patients are able to live in a safe, secure environment where they can reflect on their recovery and avoid drug abuse through the complete lack of temptation.

This can be highly necessary if you
  • Have a severe addiction to a drug you do not believe you will be able to stay away from if you are left to your own devices
  • Are in a living situation that is dangerous for you or may cause you to relapse
  • Were abusing a substance such as cocaine, methamphetamine, PCP, or alcohol which can all cause a long, drawn-out withdrawal process

High Psychiatric Severity

A study from the NCBI cites “high psychiatric severity” as a reason an individual would fare better in long term inpatient treatment. This is because whatever psychological disorder you may be suffering from, in addition to your addiction, will need to be treated along with it. Otherwise, you may be more likely to relapse to drug abuse in order to cope with the other disorder.

This kind of comorbidity can occur when an individual
long term inpatient drug rehab

If you are also suffering from a panic disorder or depression, you might benefit from long term treatment.

  • Has a mental condition that is highly affected by their drug abuse, causing them to become unstable (examples of which include stimulant-induced psychosis, psychosis caused by PCP abuse, or delirium tremens as a result of alcoholism)
  • Suffers from another mental disorder such as
    • Depression
    • PTSD
    • Panic disorder
    • Agoraphobia
    • Generalized anxiety disorder
    • Schizophrenia
    • Bipolar disorder
  • Is addicted to more than one substance (called polydrug addiction)

A Lack of Social Support

Someone who does not have the kind of social support they need from friends and loved ones will not be able to recover as easily as a person who does. Long-term inpatient rehab can “focus on the ‘resocialization of the individual and use the program’s entire community––including other residents, staff, and the social context––as active components of treatment” (NIDA). This will often help fill the void a lack of a strong support network will cause in your recovery, allowing you to make positive relationships with all these individuals who will all support your decision to stop abusing drugs.

This type of treatment is not always necessary, but if you find yourself experiencing one of the conditions listed above, you may need long term residential rehab in order to have a more effective treatment experience and build a stronger recovery.

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